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Friday, April 15

The Underground Cyber Hacking Challenge – OpenHax 2011 (op3nh4x 2011)

0p3nH4x is the first of its kind "underground cyber hacking challenge". A challenge by hackers for hackers to test real  skills in the field.  We are challenging all hackers no matter if you are black or white "hatted". It's time to prove that your preferred community is not so skid.

You can have a look at the original pastebin paste

_____        _____       _   _   ___                 _  _    __          _____  _____  __   __ 
|  _  |      |____ |     | | | | /   |              _| || |_ /  |        / __  \|  _  |/  | /  |
| |/' |_ __      / /_ __ | |_| |/ /| |__  __       |_  __  _|`| |        `' / /'| |/' |`| | `| |
|  /| | '_ \     \ \ '_ \|  _  / /_| |\ \/ /        _| || |_  | |          / /  |  /| | | |  | |
\ |_/ / |_) |.___/ / | | | | | \___  | >  <        |_  __  _|_| |_       ./ /___\ |_/ /_| |__| |_ \___/| .__/ \____/|_| |_\_| |_/   |_//_/\_\         |_||_|  \___/       \_____/ \___/ \___/\___/       | |The Underground Cyber Hacking Challenge                                                                                              |_|                                                                                        ~~~ Menu of the day ~~~ 0x00 - 0p3nH4x #1 2011 - Ezine #1 0x01 - The structure of 0p3nH4x #1 2011 0x02 - About the targets 0x03 - Goals 0x04 - Points system 0x05 - Reporting and Documentation 0x06 - Prizes, biatchez 0x07 - Rules 0x08 - Registrations and information 0x09 - About the idea and final words ~~~ Menu of the day ~~~ [ 0x00 - 0p3nH4x #1 2011 - Ezine #1 ] 0p3nH4x is the first of its kind "underground cyber hacking challenge". A challenge by hackers for hackers to test real skills in the field.  We are challenging all hackers no matter if you are black or white "hatted". It's time to prove that your preferred community is not so skid. Through 0p3nH4x we are trying to wake up the scene(or what's left of it) and get it to a new improved "skin" but with the same original concept in the background. Through these ezines we will be "reporting" main events and progress around 0p3nH4x and more. [ 0x01 - The structure of 0p3nH4x #1 2011 ] The challege is built in two phases, appropriately called "Phase 1" and "Phase 2". As you know, ANYONE can register, no matter of their ethics, age or nationality, this is why "Phase 1" is the qualification phase where all participants will have to pwn as many targets as they can to gather the points. Once you reach the needed minimum of points to continue to the next phase, you will be given instructions manually as well as access to special section in the forum. Only 250 hackers will reach the second phase. Each phase will last 240hrs or *10* days with a break of 48hrs or 2 days between them. Documentations can be submitted 24hrs after the time is up. [ 0x02 - About the targets ] L37s 0wn s0m3 wh173h47 b17

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